MAUMEE, OHIO – During October’s Energy Awareness Month, experts at Therma-Tru remind homeowners to check their doors at least once a year to make certain the units are not leaking air, which can increase heating and cooling bills. “Start by inspecting the weather strip around all sides of every door in your home to make sure it …
Entry doors that are modern art
Therma-Tru Modern Doors Clean lines. Crisp angles. Sleek designs. Vintage style. The ThermaTru Pulse line is a contemporary studio of door styles and glass designs that can be combined to make a bold statement. With four distinct aesthetic approaches – Ari, Línea, Echo and Solei – the entrance becomes MODERN ART. Learn more
“Smart House” Gets a Boost
Dubbed the “responsive house” in 1975, the concept was promoted as the Smart House for decades by the NAHB. After every Builder’s Show, when a new Smart House demonstration home was revealed, it was met with much intrigue, and perhaps a little skepticism. JLC kept tabs on the trend (for example: “Smart House Sweepstakes,” Jan. 1988; …

Fiberglass windows are now something to be reckoned with
Once a niche product, Fiberglass windows continue to become more mainstream for homeowners and remodelers. Once seen as a niche product with a small share of total U.S. window purchases, a new industry report shows fiberglass with a growing share of the window and door market. Here are five things that you should know about …